Transform your Empathy into Strength for a Kinder World

Despite what anyone else may have told you, I believe that your unique sensitivity is your superpower. I want to see you embrace your gifts and inspire positive change—and I'm here to help in any way that I can.

Phoenix Huber

Hi, I'm Phoenix! I'm a writer, animal activist, and personal coach for Highly Sensitive Heroes! I am proudly transgender and autistic, and I'm here to help marginalized or misunderstood people feel magical.

Break Free—For Yourself and All Beings


If you're highly sensitive and empathetic, I bet you feel deeply connected to others' struggles while managing your own. You may have battled anxiety and shame that cause you to procrastinate—all while yearning to make a difference. This has been my journey, too. Through my work as a writer, coach, and advocate, I aim to encourage other sensitive souls.



My Journey Growing Up as a Highly Sensitive Person: I Loved Animals & Felt Different


Before I realized I was a Highly Sensitive Person, I knew that I was different in terms of my gender and sexuality. At age 11, I was teased at school for being "so gay," "the it," and "holding my lunchbox like a purse."


Meanwhile, it became apparent that my empathy for animals was also different. We dissected squids in our 6th-grade science class. Touching the bodies of these deceased individuals, who had been bullied by humans, filled me with disgust.


Animals know joy, pain, and unique emotions. What they feel would shock and amaze us humans if we could spend just one day being them.


A classmate and I didn't like treating these sensitive and beautiful aquatic beings like garbage, just for being born who they were. We went into nature to give the squid a memorial, burying a part of their body that would otherwise be thrown in the trash. I saw in that moment: Animals need allies. Together, we can amplify their voices and defend their freedom.


I wanted to have the moral courage to stand up for the marginalized animals and humans who are left behind. I wanted to heal our relationships with each other.



But back then, I had no idea how to get active for animals. I also didn't know how to find self-confidence. Not only was I a shy transgender girl, but I was neurodivergent (autistic/ADHD)—and this was not understood at the time.


I felt overwhelmed by the noisy, group-oriented world around me. I could never get enough space, no matter how much I retreated into my solitary writing and exploration of the things I loved. "Why can't you just be more normal?" were words that rang in my ear.


Are you, like me, highly sensitive?


Highly Sensitive People (HSPs) are considered to be the most sensitive 15-30% of humans. We include a disproportionate amount of introverts, artists, women, LGBTQ+ individuals, creative thinkers, intuitives. and those who would be described as neurodivergent, although you might be none of those things and still be an HSP. Many of us are drawn to be carers in some capacity. And while our sensitivity may make us more susceptible to chronic illness—physical or mental—we are also more likely to find ourselves pulled to meditation, yoga, spirituality, or other mindfulness practices that improve health.


I believe that sensitive people—whatever descriptions we resonate with—are crucial to the future of this planet. Why? Because there is a strong link between sensitivity and empathy.


Our heightened senses make us better able to recognize the sensitivity of those who are different—including animals—and to want to be their advocate. We often see things others don't, and our perspectives are invaluable for creating a future where everybody's needs can be met.


You've probably heard someone say to you before, "Don't be so sensitive."


And, because you're sensitive to others' feelings, you tried to listen to the people who were telling you to fit in. You've tried not to rock the boat.


But the common downside of this is that humans like you—who have an increased capacity to care—end up silencing your beautiful heart.


That's why I'm here to encourage you to do the opposite of what you were told as a child: Dare to be sensitive.


Let your empathy rise when you see someone in distress. Allow the challengees you've faced in your own life to only deepen your compassion. No matter how different they are from you—and no matter how little society expects you to care—I dare you to tell your and their story, and find ways to show how much you care.

Don't Let Addiction Stop You. Live Your Dream of a Better World.


It's easy to feel cut off from the change we wish to see in the world. As a growing preteen, newly aware of injustice, I still longed for innocence and fun. That's why I found escape in Neopets, an online virtual animal game.


In the game world, I was free from discrimination. I began to grow a new identity there, as the openly animal-loving girl I knew myself to be.


Neopets was my haven during a time of intense discovery. But while video games can be a balanced hobby, for me it became an addiction. My mother was dying of ovarian cancer, and while the reality of life’s brevity weighed heavily on me, I sank into avoidance and depression. More and more, I escaped into games like Magma Blaster, saving make-believe creatures from falling lava yet lacking the motivation to take a single step toward my actual goals.


I knew I had to make a change. These games had become an impossible magnet, but somehow, I needed to break free.


Have you ever binge-watched more shows than you intended, used food as an escape, or craved distractions that pull you away from your true desires? If so, I’m here to cheer you on in focusing on what you really care about.


Even if you feel as if you’ve wasted your life while a secret passion has gnawed at you, it doesn't have to feel that way anymore. This chapter you are living through—vices and all—is part of your amazing story of growth. Little by little, you can become the example of change you long to see.


Despite many failed attempts to quit, I didn't let my Neopets addiction stop me. I've now been sober from the game for over 7 years. But, more importantly, here's how I've transformed and truly lived along the way:


  • I stopped eating our animal friends and embraced a whole-food, plant-based diet, fueling my mission for compassion and world peace.

  • I changed my name to a nonbinary one—Phoenix—and later came out as a trans woman in 2014.

  • I invested in coaching that lowered my anxiety, giving me the confidence to dance like nobody was watching, win a public speaking award, and attend theatre school. I began training in the coaching methods that had helped me, so that I could help others.

  • After gradually dabbling in activism, I ended up gathering thousands of signatures for California’s cage-free Prop 12. Most recently, I led communications for Denver’s 2024 ballot initiatives to end slaughterhouses and phase out the fur industry. We can all be part of animal and human rights history!

  • I went from terrified of writing publicly, to being a prolific blogger with hundreds of articles. My creative process, once torturous, grew to feel easy, joyful, and trusting.

  • I embraced neurodiversity and disability pride, which encourage each us win at our own games and love being different.

  • I connected with marginalized human and animal groups whose struggles I once overlooked and whose joys I now cherish, expanding my heart and capacity to help.

  • I replaced Netflix with self-taught schooling, reviving my childhood intellectual strengths.

  • Bouncing back from long COVID, I mastered mind-body practices like DNRS and Joe Dispenza’s work. I unlocked the power of daily meditation to improve my health and reach more goals.


I didn’t do it alone—so many people and animals helped me along the way. You, too, have already accomplished more than you realize. I want to see you achieve what matters to you—especially when it comes to being a powerful ally both for the future of all beings, and to the people who are in front of you now.


Let's Join Forces and Make Magic on Your Path


If you’re highly empathetic and sensitive, the world needs your gifts, now more than ever!


But, just like me, you’ve probably found that your sensitivity makes you more disposed to anxiety, self-doubt, or struggle to take action on your dreams.


You may have even faced hate or discrimination. This could be based on your gender, race, economic status, age, disability, faith, sexuality, nationality, or other part of who you are. Whatever hardships you’ve faced, there is a good chance you have also witnessed cruelty, and recognized your responsibility in helping create a kinder world for both humans and animals.


All of this stress may tempt you into unhealthy coping mechanisms, but I believe that that stress is no match for your indominable spirit.


You are sculpting yourself into a powerful force for good on this planet.


One step at a time, you are becoming the change you wish to see.


I would love to help you find ways of reducing the stress, and using your creativity more effectively to do everything you dream of.


Whether through my writing, coaching, meditation group (coming soon), or as a fellow activist for compassion, I’m excited to support you. Separate pages regarding each of these offerings will be coming soon to this website.


I Am Available as a Personal Coach and Your Fairy Godsister


I offer coaching as a paid service for those seeking support with their dreams. Empathy, curiosity, and celebration of your unique path are at the heart of every coaching call.


While such open, nonjudgmental communication is wonderful to have in our personal relationships, hiring a coach creates a space completely about YOU, with a refreshing distance from your life that invites honest exploration. As a coachee, I know how luxurious and transformative it can be to treat myself to this kind of support!


Coaching also comes with specific techniques. My own journey began at age 17 when I tried the Lefkoe Method. The Lefkoe Method made a lasting reduction in my anxiety, and it helped me naturally feel more comfortable opening up.


That experience inspired me to train with the Lefkoe Institute, WellCoaches School of Coaching, and Clear Beliefs Institute, so I could master multiple tools for achieving breakthroughs. Over the years, I’ve supported dozens of practice partners and several paid coachees in reaching joyfully for their goals.


Hire Me to Write or Edit Your Magic Words


In addition to coaching, I also have worked as a freelance book editor and article ghostwriter. I have a knack for providing uplifting, constructive, and in-depth feedback on what you're writing.


I also can use my skills to create content from scratch for your website, email list, or other needs. If you like my writing style, I’d love to collaborate with you!

Currently, I’m also seeking full-time employment. I'm ready to take on my next communications, organizer, or other role at a nonprofit or business advancing animal and human rights.


Contact me at uberpath@gmail.com.


Photo credits on this page: Benjamin Wedemeyer via Unsplash; Alan via Adobe Stock; Erik Kartis via Pexels.


Thank you so much for reading my story!